My friend asked my for some cheap router but I am dont have good overview right now about desktop network hardware.He is looking for one max 30euros.It needs to do port translating(NAPT), have one 10/100 WAN interface and 4x10/100 lan interface.
No needed one with WIFI,print servers etc..Just some basic one to make the configuration easy for him(I will do that 1st time but in case he would need to change something later).
720p lines are 720p lines and 768p lines are 768 lines.
Is that hard to understand it the number difference???
There are several video standards but to name a few of them - most known are now 480p,720p,1080i and 1080p.There are even higher but not used much now.
I think the odd resolution of the screen is just because they can use better way the wafers they produce for TV LCD screens.If they would cut 1280*720 LCD screen then there would be some place unused on these wafers and the producing LCD would be a bit unaffective and cost more bucks as there would remain some space left and unused.Some LCD can do output of 720p to 1366*768 screens by mapping it 1:1 with black borders.
If they cant do it,720p video has to be interpolated to 768 lines which always make final picture a bit fuzzy.It very depend of the manafucter of the LCD screen how good they are in interpolation.Its the same on PC LCD screens.It really doesnt matter if its TV LCD or PC LCD as they work the same way and have only 1 native resolution.All other resolutions of the videos coming to them are interpolated.
What you think is happening with analog TV signal.Its either 720 x 576 for PAl or 720 x 480 for NTSC.What you think is happening with LCD TV running this signal.It has to interpolated it to 768 lines.
If the video is 1080p then the LCD if its only 1366*768 has to downsample it to 768lines.Sure if you run 1920*1080 screen then that 1080p video is displayed natibe while the 720p video has to be interpolated to 1080 resolution.
BTW - check the apple website for as you say native 768p HDTV resolution videos.They are none.Isnt it weird .Its not because the are 720p/1080p and sometimes lower.Nothing like 768p exist.
I can agree that European TV`s HDTV broadcasting suck really much.Europe is way back against USA/JAPAN.
If you have AMD A64 processor then try to disable Cool&quiet function in Bios.
Not run your graphic card overcloked and check if its not overheating.Nice program for background monitoring of tempretures is included in Rivatuner - works for most X1800-X19xx , NVIDIA 6xxx,7xxx,8xxx series of graphic cards.Monitor CPU temps too.Rivatuner can do it as well.You can donwload it at
Shutdown following aplications in windows/taskmanager as they are not necessary for WindowsXP.You can revert it later back.
Shutdown NOD32 antivirus.It sometimes download automatically updates itself in backgrounds or it check HD in background as well(nod32krn.exe,nod32kui.exe)
Not sure what the following files are but they are not part of windows so shutdown them too before you play LFS:
alg.exe is for automatical downloads service of windows so try to shutdown it as well.
Please let us know if it helped or not.Please also run the monitoring program in background as and check after you quit LFS if the temps were not too high during the playing of LFS.
if you shutdown explorer.exe then other application still run in background.
If he could post list of processes he running in the background it could be usefull to start somewhere.
why I not have been reading his 1st post carefefully:banghead:
MINIz guy,
what was your PC configuration before and what have you know?
Could you post your PC spec before and after including PSU specification?
Reading the last post it might be that your Power supply cant cope with the new upgrade so when there is max load then the powersupply doesnt have enough power to output for the componnents.
I know SLI is cool thing but it makes sometimes problems.What about to remove 1 of the cards and see if you have still same issue.I would say its worth to try it.Also downclock the card to default values when you will remove the other one.
I had ATI cards before and I remember there are 2 option for AA/AF in the drivers.
Something like aplication controlled or forced.NVIDIA has similar option.
Try to enable forced version for AA/AF.It should work then.Also OMEGA drivers have very good reputation.
I know new NVIDIA released drivers on Wednesday but its just for 8xxx series which is kidna odd that there are so many 7xxx,6xxx,5xxx cards still around. I would not call accetable for customers.
ATI seems to cope with that now much better but as I said I am not suprised due to several drivers programmners went from NVIDIA to ATI in last monthes.
It would explain why NVIDIA struggle with any drivers release/update.
did you have your graphic card overclocked? If yes it can throttle if its too much.
LFS cant use dual cores so its only like you would have A64 4000+.What FPS you get if you drive alone in single player on Blackwood.If its around 100-200 FPS that there is nothing wrong with your system.
MY FPS drop to mid/low 20s watching from last AI in the 20cars AI field on BLackwood.
I have A64 [email protected] and 7900GT which run 450/1400 but my FPS doesnt go higher if I overclokc it to 7950GT frequencies 550/1400.
As I with 1 CAR on BL in the wheel view and report your FPS.If its around 100-200 then there is nothing wrong with your system.
Well I guess everybody expected that it will be another 6600 or 7600 series which were at start very nice value for the money you spent.The 8600 perfomance doesnt looks like that and I guess its due to several factors.
128bit memory interface is nowdays getting very limited.
32stream processors are kidna funny as they have to do both vertex a pixel shading.7900GS which is close with its perfomance have 20 pixels and 20 vertex shaders.
Also NVIDIA in latest months have big problems to release drivers and if they do they are quite buggy.Its not suprise as a lot of the drivers gurus came to ATI camp.
Where ATI release every month.I cant bealive they didnt get one in over a half year.Come on NVIDIA.
I am interested what the new midrange from ATI will bring to the table as its based on R600 architecture.It has 128bit memory interface as well thought.Seems both NVIDIA and ATI understimaded this time the midrange class a bit in my eyes.
just overcloked it to 2.4Ghz and temps are not problem after 1/2 hour testing AIs in LFS.
Max 42 celsius and the fan running at minimal rpm.Ach I love the Zalman:-).
Will see how much make it difference when online and full grid.
but the DX10 games will have for sure support for DX9 cards so you will just not have the DX10 effects.
I doubt 8600GTS is enought powerfull to run with DX10 effects and quite playable FPS.I think in this case its just more marketing stuff to sell these cards.
When DX10 games will come we will have soon 2nd generation of DX10 graphic cards.
thanks for looking into my thread.
Well my 7900GT can do up to 570/1600.I am just trying to find out if my FPS is really as it should be or there is some issue with my system and I could get more friendly FPS at start as NikLAw reported with 45FPS as min at start.
P.S:what you hate on them?They are one of the best air coolers on the market.
I am not hardware noob and I know quite well the LFS is one of the most CPU intensive games around if no the most one.
I could overclock my CPU easily to 2.6Ghz but thats about max.I have Zalman 9500 LED cooler so the overcloking is not problem.I bought this cooler mostly that it can run almost silent and the tempreture is still so freaking low .
Still thanks for advice and I will try to run it at 2.4Ghz to be on save side and lets see.
My question was because I noticed that sometimes guys with same spec run about at least 40FPS with full frid and I usually get to low 30s and high 20s if I am at the ned of the grid.I have re-installed OS by formating a few weeks ago.
Seems strange you got 50 percent more with just so small overclock.I am suspectaing something might be wrong working in my system but sometimes others saing they have same perfomance so I am bit confused.
MY GPU run 450/1400 and copnsidering 7800GT have 20pipelines and 7900GT have 24 I am quite sure that in LFS my graphic card is not the bottelneck.It is just really strange somebody with simmilar PC spec reporting a lot higher FPS at start and some saying it fit to what I have asked with my 1st post. I have as wll the hi-res textures+sky installed but this not affect FPS.
It really only concern my the FPS drop to 30FPS at start or with many cars around.Later its fine.The best LFS experience is about 60FPS.The drivings is more accurate and smooth.
I am currently at my job and cant stretch our connections.
Would be some Youtube or similar version avaible now? Althought I guess it would not make sense if the video is again at 50FPS.